Tips to Avoid Relocation Stress Syndrome in Seniors

Relocation stress is a condition the elderly face when shifting from their residence to a new location. The new place can be an assisted living facility or a nursing home. The move could be due to an injury, a disease, or losing a loved one. These experiences are...

Top Reasons Why Seniors Delay Moving to Senior Living

Most senior citizens have an unexplainable emotional attachment to their homes. It might be difficult for someone young to understand how it feels to leave behind a place where one has spent twenty to forty years. However, with children moving out and aging catching...

What Does a Move Manager Do?

A senior move manager is a professional who specializes in helping seniors and their families manage the physical and emotional aspects of relocating to a new home. They provide a wide range of services to make the move as smooth and stress-free as possible for...

Downsizing Tips for Seniors

Although downsizing is a necessary process for everyone, it can be particularly difficult for seniors because they may be less mobile and find it more difficult to sort through their belongings. If you’re a senior (or know someone who is), here are five tips to...

Finding The Joy in Letting Go

Letting go is a scary thing, especially when you have to say goodbye to the things that mean the most to you. It can be hard to let go when you find yourself attached to the past, but what if letting go is actually a way to find joy? If you’re wondering whether you...
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